Online Payment -IYC

You can pay your other memebership fee / annual membership fee by depositing cash in any of the Punjab National Bank, branch which is CBS enabled,
but depositor has to confirm to the IYC Office by
sending e-mail at
[email protected] about their payment of the Other Memebership Fee / Annual Membership Fee.
Bank Details:
Details for Wire transfer:
Account Number: 2408000150178934
Kindly send "cash Deposit" (E-Slip) to the below INOC Office Address
or e-mail at :
[email protected] , fill your details in e-mail, which includes, name,
address, tel, fax, e-mail and cellphone Number. Payment received
will be updated at IYC after 48 hrs.
You may deposit the Cheque in our Punjab National Bank, account in the name of : "International Yoga Committee
Punjab National Bank, a/c number : 2408000150178934
Branch name: Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001, (U.P.) India.
Account Number: 2408000150178934
IFSC Code: PUNB0240800
Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
Bank Address: : Branch name: Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001, (U.P.) India.
Account Name: " International Yoga Committee "
Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
Bank Address: Branch name: Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001, (U.P.) India
Account Name: " International Yoga Committee"