Advisor Members -IYC
The International Yoga Committee - IYC shall appoint Advisor Members amongst Yoga and Sports fields which should have good knowledge of Yoga and Sports, administration of yoga and sports issues and ability to resolve and extend good support to the President of the IYC and active role in the Country
Advisor Members of IYC
The Advisor Members serves as a critical community experts of the Yoga and Sports etc.,. Advisor Members of the IYC share their expetise in service to our mission by providing our organization with their professional expertise; their diverse knowledge of constituent perspectives; their connections to local, national or international resources, colleagues or peers; their philanthropic support or other forms of needed assistance. The Advisor Members has no governing function within the organization. Reasons for appoiting an Advisor Members: 1. Provides a means for involving people who are willing to give advices to the President and Executive Committee. 2. Provides a means for involving people who would have been good candidates for the Advisor Members 3. Provides a way to keep critical supporters connected to the organization 4. Creates a direct link to important professional and technical expertise 5. Recognizes individuals for their distinguished service 6. Assists in efforts to increase philanthropic supportNote: The Application Form/Documents can be sent to : E-mail
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