YOGA Is Mother Of All Sports

We have already covered the significance of Yoga and why it is essential for everyone. So what can Yoga contribute in Sports and why can it be considered as the Yoga - Mother of All Sports ?
The regular practice of a sport is to make oneself attain the optimum level of force, suppleness, agility, flexibility, tonicity, endurance, elasticity, speed, rapidity, power, as well as, balancing, equilibrating and stabilising physical, mental, psychological, psychical, moral and even emotional aptitudes in relation to the demand of that particular sport.
Yoga can be defined as the safest and most health effective sport in the world which covers all edges in its approaches, being holistic, physical or mental. It harmonises the system of development for the body, mind and spirit and act as the best corrector of mood , as an inner peace finder for wellness and happiness , improving health which is the greatest of wealth.
Yoga englobes numerous advantages
Firstly, it improves the range of motion (ROM) at all points of articulations (Joints), as it is a fully integral workout for the whole body. Whatever your sport, there is the incidence and hassard of some overworked or over stressed muscles or joints in the body. A swimmer, for example, may be suffering from tight shoulders, a runner with shortened hamstrings, a cyclist with chronically tight lower back and hunched shoulders, tight quads and calves and the golfer may suffer lack of balance in the body from the repetitive twisting to one side. Yoga practice strengthens the muscles that are underused and releases the muscles that are overworked from the practising of a particular specific sport. Taking cycling as an example, the repetitive isolated movement through the knee joints can cause injuries, whether you're a spinner, road or mountain cyclist, while yoga can make your joints and body more flexible by 10-20%. Moreover flexible muscle groups have increased strength and this in turn produces more pedal power. It increased leg and overall body performance; particular yoga postures teach us that every limb and muscle of the body is integral part of to the posture.
Secondly yoga is excellent for building core strength, because it involves moving the body in various directions and angles through postures requiring stability and balance, often in an unusual relationship to gravity. The key is flexible strength, and that's what yoga develops. Too many people still think abdominal training is doing crunches, which does nothing for flexibility. If you just train for strength, your muscles can actually shorten. And if you train in only one direction, you're limiting your range of motion.
Thirdly it prevents injuries or can facilitate a quicker recovery time when injured. It is often an injury that leads people in to their very first yoga class following their physiotherapist recommending it as a form of healing. Contracted and hard trained muscles often lack elasticity; the muscle tear that goes hand in hand with hard training can eventually take its toll and cause an injury that puts the athlete out of action for a few weeks. This can be fatal in the build-up to a sporting event and may ultimately mean dropping out. A regular yoga practice can keep the muscles and joints healthy and flexible, making time invested in yoga not a luxury but an essential part of any SPORT training schedule.
Fourthly it reinforces concentration and focus. This can be the edge in your performance. The mindfulness that yoga provides can enhance any aspect of your life; it teaches you how to be in the present moment, fully. This means that when you're cycling up a tough hill you are completely in your body, feeling the mechanics of your body performing for you. The focus on the breath is integral to this mindfulness. Every movement in yoga is synchronized with the breath. Since our breath is the only thing that is truly in the present moment, focusing entirely on it leaves you plumb in the middle of NOW. The breath is also calming so in the midst of the stress of a race, staying with the breath can clear the mind and be the calm in the storm. So the synchronicity of breath can help any sport person to perform powerfully and efficiently. It improves Cardio respiratory capacity, digestive and hormonal balancing system.
Meditation and relaxation techniques also form part of the practice of yoga, as an essential part for inner peace, particularly in the modern highly stressing world.
The important physiological attainments through the practice of sports which aim at improving the fitness levels in any one's life, is mostly laid in the practice of yoga which has preventive, curative and rehabilitative effects. The practice of yoga is also an effective prevention of Non Communicable diseases like Diabetes, Cholesterol, Hypertension, Heart diseases, Stroke, Stress, Anxiety , Body Weight and shape problems. It is a good means of burning excess calories as well Most of these elements are attainable from the practice of Yoga, which can be considered as the trigger to wellness and happiness through the practice of Sport.
A balanced diet is also recommendable for better results. There are also yoga guidelines on nutritional control. Yoga has been practiced for around for millenniums. Researchers found out that yoga in sports is important. In order to perform a sporting action efficiently and effectively, a person needs to have a high degree of concentration and focus with a mind that is calm and controlled. A practice which is 5000 year old is definitely the mother of all sports, which can certainly play a vital role in transformation and growth of Sports. It is continuously evolving.
So, why not enhancing your performance and prevent injury by adding yoga to your training plan now as the main spice of your sport dish.
........ Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI